About Emsonic


Emsonic LogoExperience the most beautiful thing that you can't hold in your hand. For better sound, we’re constantly innovating and researching to make the SAVER sound quality outstanding.

A global company, Emsonic boasts a size of nearly 355,831 square feet and has factories in China and Indonesia. We hire the most talented engineers and experts to research and plan together to produce the quality sound for our products. Our facilities are equipped with a variety of sound specialized areas such as a standard Anechoic room to test and produce high-quality sound. 


Enriching life with 50 years of know-how 

As a company, Emsonic brings more than 50 years of know how to the SAVER product. We have developed a thorough understanding of sound and technology that is evidenced in the design and functionality of the SAVER. 

Emsonic is a world-recognized brand that supplies OEM/ODM products to global companies. We enrich life, by delivering superior sound.